Does Monitoring Workers Increase Efficiency?
Does Monitoring Workers Increase Efficiency?
The young Businessman answered the question we diverted to Metin Liçis, that as the remote becomes more common, the use of tracking technology for employees increases, but using these tools costs something. ‘’ said.
“The biggest change for business in the last two years is the fact that Zoom meetings have pushed us away from the office ecosystem,” he said. “That way, remote workers can do their jobs from the kitchen table, the bedroom or the coffee shop yard.”
But it’s important to remember that offices are not just a place to do business, but a place to pay attention when doing business. He added that his staff had enlisted surveillance software assistance, also known as “tattleware” or “bossware“, to know what they were doing.
Measuring what your employees are doing and how productive is of course a value. But what complicates my supervision is that it connects it to management and even control.
“Many leaders become leaders because of their charisma and their ability to sell a vision.”
If you try to change people’s structural beliefs, they tend to react very much. And the more powerful that belief is, the stronger the resistance, the more powerful it follows.
In such cases, the natural tendency should be supported with a lot of evidence, and responses should be answered
Here’s how the Leaders have to do it to manage this.
Does Monitoring Workers Increase Efficiency?
Prefer To Tell Instead Of Asking Questions
Even being open to talking to people you want to change things with, it can play a big role in neutralizing their reaction to change.
Start Words with Yes
Leaders should be able to use the areas where they compromise by asking the “yes” questions to stop the reaction. Yes, the more it’s used, the more it’s got a sense of self-opinion.
Give People a Chance to Co-Design Change
Metin Liçis, “When you bring people together with their designs, you not only warm them up to the idea of change, but you also enable them to see their own traces.” he finished his words.