3 Behavior That Successful People Stay Away
3 Behavior That Successful People Stay Away
Metin Liçis, expressed that he owes his achievements at a young age not only to what he has done but also to what he has not done.
Metin Liçis says that the concept of success has a different meaning for everyone and states that the important thing is to reach the goal set by the individual.
“A peaceful life, great wealth, taking up senior positions or working for social good, whatever your definition of success, there are only three things that can hold you back.”
Metin Licis states that almost all success stories are based on what has been done and that what is not done is as vital as what has been done.
He listed 3 behaviors that successful people avoid as follows:
1-Not to Complain
“One of the common characteristics of successful people is that they do not complain about their situation and do not blame anyone. The most important reason for this is that successful people do not avoid taking responsibility, and they gladly bear the result even in adverse conditions. If you are constantly complaining about your circumstances and blaming others, it is time to stop and look for the fault in yourself. Whatever the current situation is, adapt to it, fix it within the conditions and keep going on your way. Nobody will set things right for you unless you take responsibility, and everything will not miraculously happen the way you want it.
2-Not to Stay in Comfort Zone
“I will try to explain this very simply.’’
Regardless of the country, you have encountered people who say the following words: “There is nothing that can be done in this way or in circumstances, but is it similar in x country? Everything would be different if I were there. ”
Of course, each country has different advantages it should be accepted, but I think it is necessary to have some competencies to benefit from these advantages. You have to strive to learn additional languages, improve yourself to stand out from hundreds of thousands of people with the same competencies as you, and more.
If you are not doing any of these, you are not leaving your comfort zone. If you look at successful people, you will see that they think the opposite. Successful people run toward challenges and seize every opportunity to improve themselves.
Moving away from this comfort zone may be to create a new market by putting millions at risk, or to be a waitress to see a country he/she wants so much. No matter how big it is, don’t be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.
3-Not Focusing on Past Achievements
“Successful people don’t focus on their past achievements and brag about them. Yes, it is important to be proud of yourself, but it is very different to constantly talk about their past achievements. The person who speaks of his past achievements is most likely to feel unsuccessful and inadequate. If your goal is to constantly advance your career, each new day is more important than the previous one.
You have worked and achieved, what’s next? What is your next goal?
Keep chasing your passions.
‘’You can do this by refreshing and improving. “
3 Behavior That Successful People Stay Away
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